Monday, April 16, 2007

Gonzo Letters: Ash and Leopold: Next Woodward and Bernstein


I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you two for some of the only in-depth coverage of the Libby trial. My feeling is that in the years to come, yours will be the analysis (and text, I would imagine, and the second you write a book on it you just go ahead and let me know about it. I’ll buy, I’ll read and I’ll encourage others to do the same) people turn to when they seek answers about this strange time in American political history. What you’re doing is important, fellows, for as Georgie and the NeoCons even now seek to make a case so they can try their luck at Iran, a careful examination of the lies that began the Iraq mess could not be more timely or have more far ranging implications.

I say this little note of Cheney’s (involving ‘this Pres’) is the number one story in the realm, the second being the Media’s complete and utter lack of coverage on it. It’s not like there’s any digging involved. It’s out there. Somewhere in the halls of the Chief High Big Media Muckety Mucks a decision was made that the world can’t handle the Truth.

My position on Plame’s outing is that it’s extremely damning for ‘this Pres’ and this Vice President and enough to kick both of them to the curb and ideally into prison. I haven’t heard anybody calling it what it is, but I affix the label ‘High Treason’ and keep it there, for Plame was working on getting a handle on loose WMD’s from international arms gangs, the very thing that can and will be used against America in the years to come. If you knowingly disable a defender of your country for your own sick ends you are an enemy of your country, President or not. High treason in the highest office of the land. Strange days, friends, but that’s the situation as I see it.

CNN has decided not to cover this story, or to cover it enough to remain credible to the majority of the lemmings, and they’ll continue to do so (or not do so, depending on how you see it). The latest example is the non-coverage of the Fitzgerald’s summation in which he openly targets Richard ‘Dick’ Cheney as co-conspirator in this mess. What are the ramifications of this? Not sure, but one thing is certain; we’ll all know a whole lot about Anna Nicole Smith in the coming days, the death of a whore rather than impeachment of one.

I seek to help get this story out and as such have put a call out to the Gonzo Warriors, an international consortium of ne’er-do-well, miscreant bloggers that, from time to time, coordinate to hold leaders and industries to task for their meddling and malevolence. We’ve been firing piss-fueled emails into the head vampires at CNN demanding they start telling us the Real Story, and if they want to keep calling themselves the ‘Most Trusted Name in News’ they better start deserving it. Will it have an effect? On CNN? Probably not. But every letter that gets written is cut and pasted into our blogs, raising awareness within the larger community in which the Warriors thrive, that of the community and maybe, just maybe we’ll hit one of Blitzer’s staffers with one of these things and get ‘em thinking about a little thing called ‘the Real Story.’

Anyways, you guys have been a source of inspiration to me and I get a lot of my information from Truthout. I link to your articles all the time and it has been an invaluable resource for my own crazed warblings. Check us out!

iSenseChange, acting Co-General of the Gonzo Warriors

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