Sunday, December 17, 2006

Mythic Things

Mythic things, great shining armor, the clash of steel, great love and betrayal, monsters, princesses, lessons. Castles under seige, battles on open fields, painted tribes on horseback galloping to battle with the feverish fervour of the enflamed.

Fate determined by the Gods? By the actions of a Hero? Monster slain and honor gained for favor of kings and their nubile daughters, the Favor of the MulitVerse, if even for but a few fleeting seconds. Blind, this Favor? Or carved into your Destiny the very instance the whole Thing began?

A man in a cave tells a story to a child, an old man sits on a dusty street-corner and tells the tale to a small group of children, a man puts ink to paper of a tale which is told in turn to the next generation for ever, until they hit the big-screen with multi-billion dollar budgets and the most impressive stars.

Mythic things.

A gryffin flies, the last of a decimated line from the ancient dragon wars. If you are at war with dragons you can be sure it is about gold and nothing else. You ever notice dragons cherish gold most in their dark hearts? The greed archetype. Peel back an archetype to an origin? Is there one or is it just a pattern that our collective unconscious trips into every generation? Why would not Man spiral forever they way we all individually do, make the same mistakes, feel the same victories, just as the vulture swirls in the manner of a gryffin?


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