Friday, February 08, 2008

Sewing Up SuperTuesday: Kennedy Cache Trumps Wild Bill Clinton

I’ll match your former President with a Kennedy and raise you a few more. Whatchu got now? The Kennedy name is to the democratic party what Shakespeare is to English literature, what Mozart is to music, what Hogan is to pro-wrestling. And Obama just fired a few of ‘em over the bow of the Good Ship Clinton. BOOM! Comparing him to ol’ JF! Whew. That seals it for me. Not one, not two but three Kennedy’s endorse him on the very day of the SOU, including John’s daughter? Most important event in this election thus far, period. Makes what would have been an otherwise utterly meaninglessness SOU to being all about Obama. And the Kennedy name. Hills, you can only imagine, must have absolutely freaked.

It’s still gonna be a tough fight. I don’t think this was the nail in the coffin but a solid endorsement with rousing defense and attack on Obama’s behalf? It’s what us folks in the political blogging non-biz call a real Big Deal. Beyond politics the winds of real change are whispering the name of Obama to the world, at least to those sensitive to such things. I took the monacher SenseChange in early '06 on a now defunct webblogging community called WritingUp, long before I’d ever heard much of what Obama had to say about it because sense change I indeed did. And do.

It was before the Dems had seized back the house (though to little discernable effect at this late date) and there was little hope that Dubya and the neocons wouldn’t find a way to tear the arseletart out of another country in the Middle East for again utterly bogus reasons, with even less hope of the American citizens shaking the Dorito crumbs from their shirts and wheeling their big, fat guts to the corner for even a newspaper box, let alone any kind of meaningful mass protest. I remember discussing with a former stripper the merits of building a chain of nuke-proof OrgyBunkers to booze out the Apocalypse in and let the War Folks tear themselves to shreds, if it became necessary to us, which well seemed possible in those days. "Apocalypse or Renaissance" I predicted to my small but loyal readership that both loved and hated me. Because Change, massive change, I knew and know, is coming and here.

"Who's more ridiculous; people rampaging and killing over a cartoon or a Radical Religious Right that will continuously empower and defend an obviously corrupt and lying President to do anything he wants simply because he claims to be religious? Lines are being divided. World Wars have been fought for less. But fighting others' battles is NOT FOR ME! I, for one, plan on getting Drunk, @#%$ and Laid for the Impending Apocalypse. Why not visit my wildly successful blog to learn more?"

Maybe not so wildly successful in the final analysis but what of it? The good news is that my good friends the Mayans tell me that if America somehow finds it's way clear to defeat a recession by fighting climate change then America and indeed the whole world has a Renaissance under way. You start caring about a planet and then the inevitable byproduct is that you start caring about your fellow human beings, it just is that way and any person of Real Change knows this.

Wild prediction: Gore will endorse Obama between the Florida Primary and SuperTuesday. Gore knows the necessity of Change as much or more than anyone else on the planet and Obama is, far more than Hillary, the candidate of real Change. That childish twit Mathews just called the same damn thing and I’m wishing I got this up in time to beat his prediction. Putting it up, it’s unfinished but screw it. Talk soon, blog hard and enjoy the rest of the race.

Who Endorses Next and For Whom?

Gore Endorses Obama
53% 75 votes
Pelosi Endorses Clinton
5% 8 votes
Chomsky Endorses Edwards
2% 4 votes
the Baby Jesus Endorses Mike Huckabee
10% 15 votes
Osama Bin Hidin' Reverse Endorses Giuliani ala Dubya in '04
2% 4 votes
Adolph Hitler Rises from the Grave, Endorses Mormon Mitt
2% 3 votes
Another Old Fart Endorses McCain
22% 31 votes

| 140 votes | Results

Mon Jan 28, 2008 at 09:10:27 PM PST

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