Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Impending renaissance: What AID Oughta Be

AID ain't money, bombs or bullets. We have learned this by now, hopefully? I mean, how's it working for you so far? Let's take a look at it.

AID ain't givin' money.

What do you do, you throw tons of money to the TopDog, often a greedy and vicious Goof in alot of these countries who always -surprise surprise- steals as much as he can. Like everybody else does. It's probably how he got to be TopDog in the first place, no?

We know AID ain't giving money. Give money to poor people and tell them how to spend it? People tell me all sorts of things I should do with my money and you know what? I almost never do it.

Corruption is rampant in the Poor as it is in the Rich. None of that has changed, so why throw more blind money at it?

AID ain't money.

AID ain't throwing bullets or bombs. It makes things worse. Deep down worse, you know? Like to your very core. You can't intellectualize a child's neighorhood being blown to bits around him. There's no special context or lens available to that poor Bastard that's ever gonna make a lick of difference. Pain begets pain. A cycle begins anew. Everybody hurts, eventually. It's the International Equivalence of Child-Abuse. Which begets more abuse, ad infinitum, right? And the whole world gets one increment crazier. To what end? Or End?

Nope, turns out AID ain't money, bombs or bullets, can we all agree with that? How's it working for you so far? Shitty, no? Is this how you wanted it to be?


What ought aid be?

AID oughta be materials, labor, engineering and construction. It's what we're good at and what they desperately need, so what/where is the disconnect, and why? AID is helping the population build their own water filtration and electrical facilities, if they want them. And schools, real ones, with internationally standardized and monitored teaching. And modern, well-stocked medical facilities. And InterNet access!

AID is a bonafide forward step towards a LevelUp. "You're Third World? We want you Second World. You in?"

And people don't want that AID then they don't have to take it. And if they want to keep all that good, clean infrastructure coming in then they should be striving to become a Nation fully worthy of one day entering to the United Nations as a bonafide MemberNation. Which means they get to follow the exact same rules as all the other MemberNations. Which means we need to make up rules for standardized rules for MemberNations, one assumes.

And the United Nations is more than just a coalition of Businesses, it is what the People of the World chooses to make it.

And we should be able to vote on things. Many things. All of us.

Exterminate the Brutes or teach the little Buggers to read? I say bomb 'em with books, given the choice. Right? And not Propaganda or Religious texts -that they would of course find insulting, as would you- but real books, like Dr. Seuss, you know?

End or Transcend? I choose the latter.

I Declare Peace.


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